
4.5 ( 4585 ratings )
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Розробник: Gamblus LLC
0.99 USD

Some photos that we take from are not perfectly leveled. Some apps provide a grid to help align that shot, but the lines can be distracting and obtrusive. Also, when using these grid lines you still have to focus on aligning the shot manually -- which isnt always that easy! The CamerAlign app does not display any grid lines, it just levels every photograph for you automatically.

There are a ton of camera apps out there, but few of them actually offer something unique. No other CamerAlign app out there features an auto-alignment feature to correct photographs before they are saved.

Whether its of a group of friends or a scenic landscape, a crooked photograph will never look as good as leveled one. CamerAlign does one thing very well, and this app will help you take perfectly aligned photographs every time.

Feature List:
- Automatically levels photos -- no grid lines!
- 7.0x zoom
- Standard camera functions: flash, front/back camera swapping
- Manual focus points
- Manual white balance
- Double-tap auto-focus
- Auto-cropping
- Manual cropping
- Facebook/Twitter/email sharing
- Multi-photo sharing
- Optional saving to camera roll
- Copy/Paste